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Foods for Survival and Prepping


Welcome to Fail Safe Survival’s crash course on disaster food prepping, where we tackle the age-old question: “What do you mean there’s no drive-thru?” Brothers and sisters in arms (and by arms, we mean can openers and spatulas), we’re here to turn your pantry from a barren wasteland into a bastion of sustenance and security.

Why Food Prepping Isn’t Just for Doomsday Enthusiasts

Food prepping is the culinary equivalent of strapping on a tool belt – you might not need every tool every day, but when things go sideways, you’ll be thanking the high heavens you came prepared. It’s not about hoarding beans like there’s no tomorrow (although, in fairness, beans are a cornerstone of any good prepping plan). It’s about ensuring that come hell, high water, or an unexpected visit from the in-laws, you’re not left scrounging for scraps.


food pantry for survival

Here in the rugged terrains of Utah, where Mother Nature throws curveballs like it’s the bottom of the ninth, we know a thing or two about self-reliance. And let me tell you, nothing says “I got this” like a well-stocked pantry that doesn’t include just beef jerky and old Halloween candy.

The Basics: Building Your Culinary Bunker

Starting your food prepping journey doesn’t require a PhD in Survival Sciences or a second mortgage for dehydrated caviar. It begins with the basics: water, carbs, proteins, and yes, even some veggies (we see you eye-rolling, but scurvy isn’t a good look on anyone). We’re talking rice, beans, canned meats, powdered milk, and essentials that’ll keep you going when the going gets tough.

But we’re not just here to talk about what to stockpile. That’d be like giving you a fish instead of teaching you to fish, grill it, and serve it with a side of hand-picked wild greens. No, we’re diving into how to store, rotate, and, most importantly, use these essentials to whip up meals that would make your ancestors nod in silent, stoic approval.

Gourmet Prepping: Beyond Survival Stew

Just because the power’s out doesn’t mean your taste buds have to suffer. We believe in eating well, regardless of whether you’re dining under the stars or hunkering down in a blackout. We’ll teach you how to transform those canned goods into gourmet feasts that’ll lift spirits and fuel bodies.

Remember, disaster food prepping isn’t about planning for the end of the world; it’s about preparing to live through it with dignity, strength, and a belly full of good food. It’s about not just surviving, but thriving – proving that with a little foresight and some elbow grease, you can face whatever life throws your way.

So strap in, tighten that apron, and let’s turn you into the culinary commando your family never knew they needed but will be eternally grateful to have when the chips are down. Welcome to the Fail Safe Survival guide to disaster food prepping – where the only thing leaner than your meat is your margin for error.

Check Out Our Food for Survival and Prepping Guides

The US Army’s Forgotten Food Miracle

The US army put together long-last super foods during the Cold War to help America survive a nuclear attack by the Soviets.

And today, an ex-cook is uncovering these special formulations for our long-term survival use.